Just another refugee from myDDO that might whine and moan about the game and such...

Friday, May 4, 2018

Long time, but not without gaming.

I have shelved Wytorimabor.  Ok, really I just pull him out to run new quests. He is within 300 Favor of reaching 5000, and I am happy for that.

My current project is with my current main toon, Slipperyfish. He is on his 9th life (I think) and I hope to get him up to a full completionist before too long.  He has surpassed the 5k favor mark twice, and I'm pretty happy with that.

I've also been doing some writing, editing, and inserting screen shots of stuff for the Wiki.  I am pretty sure that if you read this, you have also read some of my tripe over there too.

Have a wonderful day, and have fun storming the castle!

-- gmtrojan

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